by livingriver | Feb 22, 2021 | associated partners
Alves Martins Secondary School Visita de estudo a Porriño (Galiza) no âmbito do projeto LivingRiver, (Erasmus+) A nossa visita começou com duas longas horas de viagem. Quando chegámos a Porriño, fomos recebidos pelas professoras e pelos alunos envolvidos no Projeto....
by livingriver | Feb 22, 2021 | associated partners
Litter Bag Technique – Turkey Balıkesir Üniversitesi supported the associated schools in the implementation of the litter bag technique in two of the adopted rivers, accompanying the teachers and the...
by livingriver | Jan 28, 2021 | Sin categoría
Balıkesir Üniversitesi is organizing the short-film contest in Turkey. In Turkey, from 22 January to 15 February the students have a break from school lessons, allowing them more time to develop a short film. The process has been of the contest has been discussed wth...
by livingriver | Jan 20, 2021 | Noticias
It has been difficult for the Spanish schools to return to normal life due to the global pandemic. However the Spanish associated school started with the first part of the Litter Bag Technique work. In autumn, the schools collected the leaves for the experiment, they...
by livingriver | Jan 13, 2021 | Noticias
This edition has articles written by the project partners related to the life of rivers and streams. In this number you can find information about the 15 years of Proxecto Rios (River Project) in Galiza, an article about Projeto Rios (River Project) in Portugal,...
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