Associated Partners
Seia Secondary School
Seia School Grouping was created by order of His Excellency the Secretary of State for Education on July 5, 2010, as a result of the aggregation of Dr. Abranches Ferrão School Grouping, Tourais-Paranhos School Grouping and from Seia Secondary School. It covers 21 localities of the municipality of Seia, where it is located, extending over an area of 436 km2, which is a cause of geographical dispersion and consequently of diversity of the school population.
Consisting of 17 educational and teaching establishments aggregated by the three organic units, the grouping integrates all levels of education, offering a quite large educational diversity from pre-school to secondary school. The secondary education offers all Scientific-Humanistic courses as well as several options in the professional career: Sports, Electrical Network, Mechatronics, Reception, Psychosocial Support, Laboratory Analysis, Healthcare Assistant and Computer and Systems. The Psychology and Counselling Services provide psycho pedagogical and vocational support as well as monitoring of students in their different needs. Almost 52% of the students in this Grouping benefit from social school support, leading to a residual overall dropout rate.
Seia Schools Grouping aims to be an inclusive school, able to serve diversified audiences, respecting their characteristics and specificities.